Reminder to all contestants of the Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition

CHOGM Rwanda 2022

As some of you may know, this year Rwanda is hosting the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting during the week of June 20, 2022. This meeting will see the heads of all 54 Commonwealth states coming together as a group to reaffirm their common values and agree to actions and policies to improve the lives of all their citizens.

Because of this momentous occasion, we are asking our young citizens to participate in this year’s Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition. The QCEC is the world’s oldest international writing competition for schools and are asking this year’s entrants to explore the positive impact that can be achieved through dedication and selfless commitment to our Commonwealth.

The competition has two categories: a senior’s category for people aged 14-18 years of age and a category for people under 14 years of age with the top two winners from each category winning a week long trip to London, England. We hope to see a lot of participants from our wonderful country of Rwanda!!

View the QCEC flyer for this year’s topics.